Drivers of Shareholder Returns in Tech Industries (or How to Make Sense of Amazon’s Market Value)
Over the past few decades, the top companies in the technology industry have progressed in many…
Over the past few decades, the top companies in the technology industry have progressed in many…
How can a company with such dismal net income performance demonstrate such stellar improvement…
Residual Cash Earnings is the only measure you'll need if you want to know how well both public…
Why do gross margin, operating profit margin, and EBITDA margin measure technology company per…
What matters most is not how much you invest, but how well you invest.
Performance measures typically used in annual incentive plans fail to align managers with the l…
Many companies’ processes for planning, decision making, and performance management encourage…
Selling idle operating assets below net book value for cash is at worst irrelevant and at best …
Price is an outcome, not an input.
Economic cycles are a given, so it is inevitable that an economic slowdown is approaching. Be w…
Most companies don't generate an adequate return on investment on their budgeting processes.
Why might an activist investor take an interest in your company, and what can you do to be prep…
Our team has advised hundreds of clients on developing a new approach to creating exceptional value for stakeholders and shareholders. Our differentiated cash-based earnings approach to strategic management and capital allocation draws on years of experience as advisors and investors at Credit Suisse, Morgan Stanley, Lehman Brothers, DLJ, Stern Stewart, Marakon, Ernst & Young, and ISS.