2023 Fortuna Advisors Buyback ROI Report
The 2023 Fortuna Advisors Buyback ROI Report ranks the top-performing S&P 500 share repurchase …
The 2023 Fortuna Advisors Buyback ROI Report ranks the top-performing S&P 500 share repurchase …
New Employees to Focus on Helping Clients Achieve Optimum Value
With gyms closed, many are turning to alternative exercise regimens, resulting in an uptick in …
In their pitch for tax reform, President Trump and congressional Republicans have made promises…
Warren Buffet holds more cash and has less debt at the top of the cycle so he can invest at the…
It’s the shareholders’ company. And if executives would just go by what investors do rather…
Some executives seem to be more concerned with making sure bad things do not happen than they a…
No one could have dreamed up all the wonderful technological innovations and communications we …
What companies can do to help their share prices catch up with the surge in corporate net incom…
Companies investing in R&D have created more value for shareholders over the past 10 years.
Despite the hullabaloo about health-care reform, investors still reward revenue growth by pharm…
Profit margins and returns on capital are important, but growth is the most important driver of…
Our team has advised hundreds of clients on developing a new approach to creating exceptional value for stakeholders and shareholders. Our differentiated cash-based earnings approach to strategic management and capital allocation draws on years of experience as advisors and investors at Credit Suisse, Morgan Stanley, Lehman Brothers, DLJ, Stern Stewart, Marakon, Ernst & Young, and ISS.