Andrew Bonfield on Caterpillar’s success through value management
Caterpillar Inc., the world’s leading construction equipment manufacturer, delivered over 2.5…
Caterpillar Inc., the world’s leading construction equipment manufacturer, delivered over 2.5…
Build an effective sales force by redirecting its energy toward value maximization.
Even though it can make certain metrics look better, merely letting assets depreciate isn't eno…
Streamlined investment decision processes clarify the judgments required to make decisions and …
Selling idle operating assets below net book value for cash is at worst irrelevant and at best …
Price is an outcome, not an input.
The gas shortage serves to remind CFOs about the ways pricing strategies can affect consumers a…
Operating leases can cut capital commitments, boost strategic flexibility, and help a company m…
Our team has advised hundreds of clients on developing a new approach to creating exceptional value for stakeholders and shareholders. Our differentiated cash-based earnings approach to strategic management and capital allocation draws on years of experience as advisors and investors at Credit Suisse, Morgan Stanley, Lehman Brothers, DLJ, Stern Stewart, Marakon, Ernst & Young, and ISS.