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how we can find its catalyst for growth.
how we can find its catalyst for growth.
Most executives always think their share price should be higher, but coming to grips with high …
Management shouldn’t be too jumpy to sell and buy businesses. They need to carefully evaluate…
A herdlike mentality leads many companies to acquire more at the top of the stock market cycle …
Why do shareholders respond favorably to some acquisitions while others struggle to ever materi…
Research on nonfinancial companies finds that larger companies typically grow more slowly and e…
Many Diversified Companies are Breaking Up
The market demands growth in revenue, cash flow and value, and the more that is delivered the h…
BUY – SELL – HOLD… the tools of the equity investor. Which stocks should they buy and wh…
For years, we’ve heard that a majority of acquisitions fail to create value for the buyer. …
Our team has advised hundreds of clients on developing a new approach to creating exceptional value for stakeholders and shareholders. Our differentiated cash-based earnings approach to strategic management and capital allocation draws on years of experience as advisors and investors at Credit Suisse, Morgan Stanley, Lehman Brothers, DLJ, Stern Stewart, Marakon, Ernst & Young, and ISS.