Originally published on Apple Podcasts

David Berkowitz on value investing

Our conversation with David Berkowitz, founder and CIO of Value Aligned Partners, covers investment strategies that focus on long-term value creators. Greg and David discuss the inefficiencies of the “earnings game,” aligning management incentives with shareholder interests, and how to identify high-quality companies with sustainable competitive advantages. Berkowitz outlines three investment strategies: ownership companies with strong incentive structures, “cannibal” companies with high share buybacks, and dominant monopolistic or oligopolistic firms. He also compares public and private equity investment approaches, emphasizing behavioral economics and value-focused operating systems. In addition to being an investor, David conducts corporate finance education and value-based management training for corporate professionals and board members.

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The “Create More Value” podcast is a series of conversations with senior executives, board members, and other experts on how they were able to create exceptional value for their companies. These lessons can help leaders embrace better insights, decisions, and corporate culture to drive long-term results for all of their stakeholders. We cover a wide range of subjects, from corporate strategy to governance to best practices for boards and managements alike.

The podcasts is also available on other platforms, including Pandora, Stitcher, and Amazon.

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